What's life like for LGBTQ people in Antigua and Barbuda?

Let's take a look at some of the key equality indicators.

What's life like for LGBTQ people in Antigua and Barbuda?

What's life like for LGBTQ people in Antigua and Barbuda? Let's take a look at some of the key equality indicators.

Yes, but it's only recently happened.

In 2022, the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court ruled that sections of the Penal Code of Antigua and Barbuda that made consensual same-sex intimacy illegal were unconstitutional, and therefore void.

Are there protections against discrimination in Antigua and Barbuda?

In theory, yes.

In the 2022 ruling of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court - which struck down the sodomy laws of Antigua and Barbuda's penal code - the court also found that the country's constitutional provision against discrimination based on sex also included a prohibition on discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

It's not clear how this court ruling is being implemented on a day-to-day basis, but there is at least a legal framework that in theory provides protection against discrimination.

Is there Marriage Equality in Antigua and Barbuda?

No. There is no legal recognition of same-sex relationships.

What's life like for LGBTQ people in Antigua and Barbuda?

A socially conservative country, homophobia is systemic and widespread.

LGBTQ people are forced to conceal their sexuality and are at risk of persecution.