New release from Class Comics: Book of Spells
A sexed-up story from Patrick Fillion.

When it comes to erotic fiction, Class Comics are the guys that create the kind of graphic art filth that makes all our geek-boy wet-dreams come true.
Patrick Fillion and Robert Fraser are the creative geniuses behind Class Comics. The couple have been publishing together since 2002.
Just in time for Halloween, their latest release is Book of Spells.
This is a collection of sexed-up spooky stories that feature a range of beloved characters from the Class Comics universe, including Ghostboy, Diablo, Mako Finn, Isaiah Shade, and Zahn.
Book of Spells is the perfect reminder as to why Halloween is every gay man's favourite time of the year.
Fuel your fap fantasies with these tasty treats.

Naked Men Talking
I recently caught up with Patrick Fillion for the Naked Men Talking podcast.
In the conversation we talk origin stories, horny alter-egos, and the undeniable appeal of men in spandex.