100 Heroes 100 Heroes: J.R. Ackerley After serving in WWI, Ackerley returned to the UK and wrote an acclaimed play about a relationship between two soldiers.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Benvenuto Cellini The gay man who created one of the world's most famous autobiographies.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: John Burnside The gay man who helped begin the march towards equality for LGBTQ people.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Manasse Herbst The gay man who fled fame and persecution in Nazi Germany and made a new life for himself in the US.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Prince Eugene of Savoy The gay man who became one of the most successful military commanders of his time.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Marsilio Ficino The gay man who became one of the most influential figures in the Italian Renaissance.
100 Heroes 100 heroes: Jean-Jacques-Régis de Cambacérès The gay man who developed the rule of law in France.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Hu Tianbao The gay man who became the revered deity, Tu’er Shen - the rabbit god that oversees love and sex between men.