100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Fernando Pessoa The gay man who became one of the greatest poets in the Portuguese language.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Karlheinz Weinberger The gay man who mastered the art of homoerotic photography.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Reverend John Church The gay man who became known as one of the first clergyman to publicly identify as queer.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Henry-Russell Hitchcock The gay man who became one of the fathers of modern architecture.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Walt Whitman The gay man who became one of the most influential American poets.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Ronald Wright The gay man who published Sir Gee - a UK erotic physique magazine for men.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Mark Bingham A gay man whose legacy continues to be celebrated by rugby teams around the world.
100 Heroes 100 Heroes: Frank Kameny The gay man who took his unfair dismissal to the Supreme Court and founded the gay rights movement.